Development of Agricultural Businesses


Team Penny Huete carries out COMPREHENSIVE PROJECTS giving Turnkey solutions for every customer according to their needs, also adapting the projects to every climate, country and crop.

Every customer is a personalised project, where the Work Team of the various departments of Team Penny Huete, study the technical and economic feasibility thereof, in order to provide the products and services needed to achieve the success of the investment.

Team Penny Huete has an Interdisciplinary Technical Department that carries out the design of every comprehensive project, allowing us to be a true Technological Partner.

Thanks to the wide experience in different countries of the world (J. Huete have carried out projects in more than 25 countries, all of them different and in different weather conditions), as Team Penny Huete we get involved from the very conceptualisation of each project, supporting our customers during the different phases of the same: conceptualisation, design, development, implementation, getting under way and support in the operation.


In Team Penny Huete we rely on personnel with experience in different international markets, which allows us to provide you with advice for the marketing of production.

Likewise, we have relations and agreements with serious marketing companies in different countries that allow us to establish with our customers, business relationships in benefit of all the parties, ensuring the profitability of the projects.


In Team Penny Huete we care about our customers’ agricultural projects, but also jointly, about the sustainability of the same, in every way.

Thus, in the design and development of our agricultural projects, in Team Penny Huete we care about the viability of every project, so that it has good prospects of success, while we are waiting to incorporate the technology and equipment that contributes to the conservation of the environment.


Team Penny Huete has Strategic Alliances with different companies that allow us to complement and reinforce the experience and knowledge of our people, to provide support and advice to our customers in different areas.

Thus, we have links with Complementary Technology Suppliers; with Agronomic Advisors in where we operate; with Marketing Companies in the most important markets; with Technological Development Centres and Universities.

That way, in Team Penny Huete we can put to work our network of Strategic Allies, for the benefit of our customers’ projects.


In Team Penny Huete, aware of the importance of providing not only high quality materials and equipment, but also professional services that customers can support and feel supported, we have focused on designing a range of services ranging from the design of the project to the implementation of it, going through other services such as the development of the Business Plan, Agricultural Advisory, etc…
  • Design and conceptualisation of the project.
  • Business Plan Development.
  • Implementation of the project on the location/site.
  • Construction and installation of the project.
  • Starting-up the business/greenhouse.
  • Agronomic advice.
  • Consultancy for Project Management, both at production and business
  • Advisory to marketing the product.